Sunscreen Beyond the Beach: Everyday Sun Protection for Men and Women

Two Men and Two Women with No Visible Sun Protection Sit Outside a Tent in the Woods

We all know the importance of slathering on sunscreen before a beach day, but what about the rest of the year? Sun protection goes far beyond the beach umbrella and those bright sunny days on our East and West Coasts.

Our skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays every single day, even on cloudy days and cold days.

Here’s why you need to apply our HYDRATING ANTIOXIDANT SPF Broad Spectrum – SPF 50 Sunscreen daily and how to make it a seamless part of your routine.

The Hidden Threat of Daily UV Exposure

The sun emits two main types of UV rays: UVA and UVB.

UVB rays are responsible for sunburns, but UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin, contributing to premature aging and increasing your risk of skin cancer.

Even on cloudy days, up to 80% of UV rays can reach your skin. While the winter sun might feel less intense, snow reflects UV rays, making sun protection even more critical during colder months.

Making Sunscreen a Daily Habit

A Woman at the Beach Applies Sun Protection to Her Exposed Shoulder

Sunscreen shouldn’t be reserved for special occasions.

Here are some tips to incorporate this skincare product into your daily routine:

  • Morning Must-Do:Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher as the last step in your skincare routine before makeup. Look for lightweight, oil-free formulas that won’t clog pores.
  • Don’t Forget Your Face:The delicate skin on your face is especially prone to sun damage. Apply sunscreen specifically formulated for the face to avoid irritation around the eyes.
  • Reapply Periodically:Sunscreen breaks down over time, especially with sweat and water exposure. Reapply every two hours or more often if you’re sweating or swimming.
  • Think Beyond Lotions:Sunscreen comes in many formulas to suit your preference and skin type. Consider our non-greasy option for a flawless finish and lip balms with SPF for added protection.
  • Sun-Protective Clothing:Clothing with a tight weave offers built-in sun protection. Look for UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) ratings on clothing labels. Opt for wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses for additional coverage.

Sun Protection for Everyone

Sun protection is all about safeguarding your health.

Here’s a quick reminder:

  • Men and Women:Nine times out of ten, skin and health issues don’t discriminate. Daily sun protection is essential for everyone, regardless of gender.
  • All Skin Types:Sunscreen comes in formulas suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Get our non-comedogenic formula to avoid clogging your pores.

Keep Your Pores Clean with AfyaDerm’s High-quality Skincare Products

By incorporating our daily sun protection into your routine, you’re investing in your long-term health and maintaining a healthy, youthful glow. Grab your sunscreen, and embrace the sun without clogging those pores.

Clogged pores cause acne. If you’re already showing its signs, apply our benzoyl peroxide wash for acne before applying that sunscreen.

Get in touch for feedback and queries.

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